If you are interested in running for office in Texas, there are a few things you need to do to get started. First, you need to make sure that you meet the qualifications to run for the office you are interested in. The qualifications for office vary depending on the office you are running for, but they typically include being a citizen of the United States, being at least 18 years old, and being a resident of the district or county you are running to represent.
Once you have determined that you meet the qualifications to run for office, you need to file an application for a place on the ballot with the political party you affiliate with. You will also need to pay a filing fee or submit a petition in lieu of a filing fee. The filing fees and petition signature requirements vary by office.
After you have filed your declaration of candidacy, you will be required to file a campaign treasurer appointment with either the Texas Ethics Commission or a local authority, depending on the type of position.
Next, you need to start campaigning. This includes raising money, getting your name out there, and meeting with voters. You will also need to file periodic reports with the Texas Ethics Commission that detail your fundraising and spending activities.
Here are some additional tips for becoming a candidate in Texas:
- Start early. The filing deadline for most elections is several months in advance of the election. It is important to check with the Texas Secretary of State to find out the filing deadline for the office you are interested in running for.
- Get organized. It is important to have a plan for your campaign. This includes things like your fundraising strategy, your media outreach plan, and your voter contact plan.
- Build a team. You cannot do this alone. You will need a team of professionals to help you with your campaign.
- Be passionate. You need to be passionate about the issues you are running on. This will help you connect with voters and motivate them to vote for you.
- Be persistent. It takes a lot of hard work to win an election. You need to be persistent and keep going even when things get tough.
KEEP IN MIND: These are just the basics of setting up a campaign. There are lots of minor requirements that come up along the way that you will need a crack team to address.
FINALLY: My best piece of advice on campaigns is this – the #1 way you will get in trouble with the ethics commission is by forgetting to file your campaign finance reports on time. Make sure you hire good staff or good consultants (like me) to make sure it’s on autopilot and nothing falls through the cracks.
Dig Deeper:
Guides from the Texas Ethics Commission – https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/resources/guides/
Candidate Guides from the Texas Secretary of State – https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/candidates/index.shtml
Texas Ethics Laws Legal Guide – www.andrewcates.com/shop